Should you have a mentor?

Photo by cottonbro on Starting off on your financial journey alone can be difficult. You'll be going through tons of costly mistakes in the process. The best way to speed this up is to find yourself a good mentor who has achieved the goals that you want to achieve yourself. This doesn't mean findContinue reading "Should you have a mentor?"

Starting your own business

Photo by fauxels on People think starting and running your own business is all fun and games until they do it themselves. Operating businesses are tough especially from scratch and you have to be mentally prepared for what's about to come. On the outside it might seem nice because you get to be yourContinue reading "Starting your own business"

What the top 1 % do with their money

Social media platforms like Instagram and Youtube make everyone think that the rich spend a majority of their money on luxuries. All we see on our feeds are million dollar mansions, expensive sport cars, and luxury brands. But what most people don't know or can't see is that long before they were able to affordContinue reading "What the top 1 % do with their money"